Doctors as Consumers

A Strategic Insights Study

Connect with physicians beyond the workplace

The Doctors as Consumers study profiles physicians’ consumer media habits, lifestyle and attitudes, providing a more complete picture of your HCP audience to support effective non-endemic promotional strategies.

Doctors aren’t like other consumers, and Doctors as Consumers is the industry’s only syndicated study documenting their non-work activities and media consumption.

While much of the content in Doctors as Consumers replicates the MARS Consumer Health study, the robust physician-only sample provides unique insights on differences between doctors and other consumers.

Study Content Overview

Physician & Practice Profiling

Physician Demographics

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Ethnicity, Hispanic/Latino/Spanish
  • Language(s) spoken at home
  • # of people in household
  • Urban/Suburban/Rural residence

Physician Specialty, Professional & Prescribing Profile

  • Specialty, sub-specialty, hospitalist
  • Association membership details
  • Formulary committee membership
  • Key Opinion Leaders
  • Professional activities
  • Patients seen in average week
  • # of prescriptions written in average week and prescribing data categories
  • New drug/device adoption

Practice Details & Patient Interaction

  • Type and location of practice
  • Patients seen in average week
  • Length of average patient visit

Lifestyle Behaviors & Attitudes

Sports & Leisure

  • Regular participation in 50+ activities (sports/exercise, outdoors, leisure/arts/entertainment, self-improvement)
  • Types of virtual workouts/fitness sessions
  • Types of video games

Attitudes & Opinions

  • Online health & data security
  • Personal health, work-life balance, job stress
  • Career & medical expertise in personal settings
  • Concerns that keep them up at night

Internet, Streaming Audio & Podcasts

Online Behavior, Websites & Social Media

  • Hours spent online in a typical day (by daypart)
  • % of time spent online for professional vs. personal use
  • % of time online spent on social media (professional vs. personal purposes)
  • Health, shopping & social media website visitation & frequency (personal use)
  • 20+ topics regularly researched or followed online

Radio, Podcasts & Streaming Music

  • Devices used
  • Time spent listening in a typical day
  • Apps/platforms used

Podcasts (listening for personal purposes)

  • Frequency & genres
  • Actions taken after hearing advertising
  • Used promo code for advertised product/service

Television – Linear & Digital

Household Vewing

  • Hours spent watching in a typical day (by daypart)
  • How TV is watched (OTA, cable subscription, streaming) & DVR use
  • Streaming TV: Devices used & smart TV brands

Personal Viewing

  • % of on-demand vs. live TV watched
  • 40+ TV genres & sports watched
  • 25 TV networks
  • Streaming services/platforms used (free & paid)
  • Paid streaming services: Pay higher fee for ad-free tier