Digital Insights

A Strategic Insights Study

The Digital Insights study is a comprehensive assessment of physicians’ digital behaviors, motivations, and attitudes

Covering areas of interest to pharma or other healthcare brands and their marketing and advertising partners, designed to profile across a range of medical/surgical specialties and verticals.

Study Content Overview

Physician & Practice Profiling

Physician Demographics

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Ethnicity, Hispanic/Latino/Spanish
  • Language(s) spoken at home
  • # of people in household
  • Urban/Suburban/Rural residence

Physician Specialty & Professional Profile

  • Specialty, sub-specialty, hospitalist
  • Association membership details
  • Formulary committee membership
  • Key Opinion Leaders
  • Purchase influence
  • Professional activities
  • Frequency consulted by other physicians about treatment options

Practice Details & Patient Interaction

  • Type and location of practice
  • Patients seen in average week
  • Length of average patient visit

Colleagues & Practice Management

  • Specific physician review sites used & activities performed on them
  • How share medical news/developments with colleagues

Prescribing & Treatment

Prescribing Profile

  • # of prescriptions written in average week and prescribing data categories
  • New drug/device adoption
  • Influences of factors on presribing/treatment decisions
  • Prescribing behaviors (branded vs. generic propensity, patient out-of-pocket cost consideration)

Treatment Profile

  • Preferred initial treatment (prefer least invasive first vs. prefer most efficacious first)
  • Treatment selection (rely more on personal experience vs. rely more on clinical studies/guidelines)
  • Frequency encounter barriers to preferred treatment (e.g., coverage, availability, cost)
  • % of patients recommended OTC products/treatments

Prescribing, Diagnosis & Procedure Data

  • Prescribing data: drug categories
  • ICD-10 diagnosis
  • CPT procedures & services

Patient Education & Discount Programs

Patient Education

  • Usefulness of materials (print, video, television, website information, etc.)
  • % of patients provided with materials & when/how provided
  • Whether physician is a decision maker on type of material available
  • Attitudes about patient education materials

Drug Discount Programs

  • Information provided to patients
  • Types of programs offered

Internet/Mobile, Social Media & Digital Advertising

Internet / Mobile & Apps

  • Attitudes about search & online resource
  • Mobile devices: personal and/or professional use
  • Mobile apps: types installed, frequency & importance for practice
  • 50+ general & specialty-specific apps downloaded, use & frequency

Social Media

  • Types of social networks used & frequency
  • Professional connections
  • Actions taken after reading medical-related posts
  • Reasons for staying active & networks used most for breaking medical news
  • Attitudes about medical content shared on social

Digital Advertising

  • Where noticed & actions taken after viewing
  • Targeted content vs. targeted ads on professional websites/apps
  • Targeted ads/content on non-professional websites

Online Videos & Podcasts

Online Video

  • Types watched & video creators that impact prescribing/treatment decisions
  • Opinion on looking for video vs. article to learn a new topic


  • Listening frequency for professional purposes
  • Medical-themed podcasts: types & number listened to in typical week
  • Platforms

Emerging Technologies & Telemedicine

Emerging Technologies

  • Current or future use: Online test kits, digital tools, patient wearables, remote monitoring, VR/AR
  • AI-powered activities

EMR / EHR & Telemedicine

  • Actions taken while using EMR/EHR or Telemedicine platforms
  • % of current patients diagnosed or treated, % that could be diagnosed or treated via telemedicine