Sources & Interactions

A Strategic Insights Study

The Sources & Interactions study is a comprehensive assessment of the various sources of information used by physicians

In areas of interest to pharma or other healthcare brands and their marketing and advertising partners, designed to profile across a range of medical/surgical specialties and verticals.

Study Content Overview

Physician & Practice Profiling

Physician Demographics

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Ethnicity, Hispanic/Latino/Spanish

Physician Specialty & Professional Profile

  • Specialty, sub-specialty, hospitalist
  • Association membership details
  • Formulary committee membership
  • Key Opinion Leaders
  • Purchase influence
  • Professional activities

Practice Details & Patient Interaction

  • Type and location of practice
  • # of patients seen in average week
  • Length of average patient visit

Prescribing & Treatment

Prescribing Profile

  • # of prescriptions written in average week
  • New drug/device adoption
  • Influences on treatment decisions
  • Prescribing behaviors (branded vs. generic propensity, patient out-of-pocket cost consideration)

Treatment Profile

  • Preferred initial treatment type (prefer least invasiveness first vs. prefer most efficacious first)
  • Treatment selection (rely more on personal experience vs. rely more on clinical studies/guidelines)
  • Frequency of consultation with other physicians
  • Frequency encounter barriers to preferred treatment (e.g., coverage, availability, cost)

Prescribing, Diagnosis & Procedure Data

  • Prescribing data: drug categories
  • ICD-10 diagnosis
  • CPT procedures & services

Information Sources & Channel Preference

Information Sources

  • Importance and exposure for 40+ sources: Conferences, CME, online (websites, mobile apps, portals, social media), publications, sales reps, etc.

Preferred Information by Channel

  • Types of information like to acquire (e.g., learning about new products, procedures, or innovations, deeper understanding of conditions, CME, etc.)
  • Preferred channels for acquiring information (e.g., sales reps, online videos, email newsletters)

Media Use, Professional Email & Newsletters

Medical Content

  • Time spent reading
  • % that is peer-reviewed
  • Format and frequency of medical info accessed

Publications / Medical Journals

  • # of current issues read, print vs. digital versions
  • Version spent the most time reading

Internet / Mobile Activities

  • Frequency of Internet use for professional purposes
  • Smartphone & tablet usage for professional and personal purposes
  • % of internet work time using mobile device

Email Newsletters & Promotional / Marketing Emails

  • # received/read in average week/day
  • Separate email account for promotional/marketing emails

Physician Education, Sales Reps & Product Education

Physician Education & Meetings

  • Meetings attended & actions taken
  • Attitudes about meetings
  • Preferred format for industry meeting coverage
  • Digital CME formats used (mobile apps, online/offline learning courses, podcasts, webinars, social media, etc.)

Sales Reps

  • Sees reps & limit on number of meetings allowed or reasons for not seeing reps
  • Prescribe new medication based on sales rep visit
  • Attitudes about sales reps

Product Education Tools or Techniques

  • Types exposed to/which were effective
  • Attitudes about pharma