
Business insights and articles written by our team of world-class professionals

Potential Ban on Pharmaceutical TV Ads: Harmful or Helpful for Patients?

The new Secretary of the DHHS has previously discussed the possibility of banning pharmaceutical TV ads. The rationale behind this ban is that it would encourage more informed and cautious prescribing practices, ultimately benefiting patient well-being. This article highlights findings from the MARS Consumer Health Study, which indicates that patients exposed to TV or digital healthcare advertising feel more knowledgeable about treatments, trust the companies that advertise, and take a more proactive role in their healthcare.

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New Platform to Access M3 MI Studies

We are pleased to announce our partnership with TelmarHelixa, a leading provider of media analysis and planning software. Together we created a customized solution for M3 MI clients to seamlessly work between the new Explore audience crosstab tool and Plan reach/
frequency media planning tool.

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Insights are the key to unlock meaningful actions, without them it’s just data

Digital pharmaceutical marketers are increasingly looking for more nuanced approaches to targeting patients outside of using medical claims data. By defining unique patient personas through research, marketers can create more personalized, meaningful digital strategies that resonate with the needs, behaviors, and concerns of specific patient groups. Utilizing two real world personas as example, marketers will learn how data can turn into insights to activate on beyond just targeting.

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MARS Consumer Health Dashboard

The industry’s most comprehensive health consumer dataset, the MARS Consumer Health study, is now available in a visual dashboard! The new tool for health consumer insights provides presentation ready visuals, curated categories to quickly find data, and various audience filters to define your patients or caregivers. 

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M3 MI Partners with MedFuse

This collaboration aims to enhance the depth and precision of insights on physician behaviors and attitudes available to M3 MI clients, thereby empowering healthcare brands with more targeted and actionable intelligence.

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